About Citizen Advocacy

Citizen Advocacy was established in 1980; the first agency of its kind in Western Australia. We have been connecting with people in the local community for over 40 years.

We are a not-for-profit organisation that promotes, facilitates, and supports advocacy for people with intellectual disability.

Citizen Advocacy is funded by the federal government, Department of Social Services (DSS) under the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP).

You can read more about the program here.


Please see below links to our latest Impact Report and brochures.


Citizen Advocacy gratefully acknowledges that its existence is dependent on many organisations and people who so generously volunteer time, energy, services or finances. Although they are by no means the only people deserving of sincere thanks, we would like to mention the following:

The Australian Government – Department of Social Services
Citizen Advocacy – Perth West (Inc) gratefully acknowledges that we receive a significant proportion of our funding from the Australian Government through the Department of Social Services (formerly FaHCSIA.)

On many occasions, Lotterywest have assisted us with funding to cover the cost of equipment and special projects. Their most recent funding was a grant to cover our moving costs, purchase new furniture & equipment and re-vamp our stationery and website.

Graham Mabury
Our wonderful Patron, who supports us however he can in a wide variety of ways.

Big thanks to WASO for giving those involved with our program the opportunity to attend several wonderful concerts throughout the year.

Our special thanks to all advocates, advocate associates, crisis advocates, board members, friends and all the other wonderful people who so willingly volunteer their time, energy, finances and skills in the knowledge that they are able to make a difference to the quality of life and well-being of another.

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